Wednesday, June 22, 2005


Fund Manager is powerful portfolio management software. Fund Manager is available in Personal, Professional, or Advisor versions for the individual investor, professional trader, or investment advisor.

Fund Manager tracks stocks, mutual funds, and other investments. Analyze and compare investments and portfolios with a wide variety of easy to use graphs and reports. Graphs will plot value, cost, gain, or allocation for any investment or portfolio. Graphs will also plot share price, price plus distributions, moving averages, and technical analysis for investments. Overlay indices, multiple investments and/or portfolios for comparing performance. Line plots, pie charts, and stacked graph formats are all available. Over a dozen reports are available for viewing information on investments and portfolios. Reports can be memorized and are customizable, so you can display the data you want, in the format you prefer.

Fund Manager makes keeping track of investments easy by updating prices and retrieving transactions from the internet with the push of a button. Fund Manager makes tax time a breeze with capital gain reports. Capital gain information can be exported to popular tax preparation software. Capital gain reports are available for first-in-first-out, average, and specific lot accounting methods. Wash sales and short sales are also supported. Fund Manager has many other features, such as markers, yields, trendlines, multi-currency support, and trailing stop loss alerts.

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